Brand Safety

ASTRAD uses proprietary and third-party technology and processes to guarantee brand safety.

Brand Safety DSP Solutions for Desktop and Mobile

ASTRAD is committed to protecting your brand. We’ve implemented processes to minimize risk to advertisers and ensure ads are served in safe environments.
Brand safety is about keeping a brand’s reputation safe when they use digital advertising platforms by removing the risk that ads are placed alongside inappropriate content. For most brands, this is now a number one priority. ASTRAD is committed to ensuring that campaigns from agencies and brands follow the instructions in the Insertion Order. Where requested, we will endeavor to ensure that ads are always placed in brand-safe environments. To minimize the risk of ad misplacement, ASTRAD has developed a brand safety framework that covers the following areas: internal communications, processes, transparency, third-party tools, high-quality ad inventory, and real-time reporting.
illustration of secure devices

Brand Safety Framework

Third-Party Tools

We have integrated trusted third-party content verification platforms MOAT (post-bid) and Integral Ad Science (pre- and post-bid) to give advertisers an automated industry solution. Advertisers can choose the solution that works best for them.

We also support Doubleverify blocking tags that stop ads from appearing on sites not part of the campaign allowlist.


We have implemented internal processes that specifically address brand safety. For example, all Insertion Orders ask advertisers for their brand safety requirements, and we ask them to state this information in the IO clearly. We have created a Brand Safety Policy that can be found on our [website] that describes in detail how we go about minimizing ad misplacement and our takedown policy should an advertiser deem that their ad has been placed in an inappropriate environment.


The ASTRAD platform operates entirely transparently. Advertisers can access the campaign setup and review and update the configuration if required, and they can also see where every single ad has been served down to the publisher level. Advertisers can also work with safelists and denylists, and these can be imported if the agency has its in-house lists, or these can be created on the platform across all ad exchanges. ASTRAD supports ads.txt, and advertisers can run a campaign only on mobile sites where that exchange is a direct seller for a site, for example.

Internal Communications

Brand safety is the number one priority, and ASTRAD employees receive regular updates and training, including the latest news about updates to the brand safety framework.

High-Quality Ad Inventory

ASTRAD is directly integrated with the highest-quality ad exchanges, including Google, Magnite, and Applovin. Advertisers can build allowlists of mobile sites and apps and target only.

Real-Time Reporting

Advertisers can access the platform and analyze exactly where ads land in real time.