Creatives: Ad Formats and Sizes

All ad formats and sizes can be uploaded to the ASTRAD platform. You can see which campaigns use your creatives, and any changes made to your creatives will be updated immediately across all strategies.

create creative astrad


We support uploading MP3 files or third-party audio VAST ad tags. Where an MP3 file is provided, we will generate the audio VAST tag.


We support the following ad sizes – 320×50, 300×250, 320×480, 480×320 and 728×90.


We support native advertising for mobile apps, and the following items are required to generate the native ad in real-time – title, image, text, icon, and call-to-action text.

Rich Media

ASTRAD has an internal creative studio that can build custom rich media experiences in HTML, free from costs or rich media platform limitations. We also support rich media tags from Celtra, Sizmek, and Doubleclick.


We support uploading MP4 files or third-party VAST or VPAID ad tags. Where an MP4 file is provided, we will generate the video VAST or VPAID tag. The decision to use VAST or VPAID will depend on tracking requirements and whether the campaign will run on websites or in-app.

Build Ads That Are Personal and Tailored to Your Audience

With ASTRAD’s Creative Studio, you get a talented team of experienced creatives and marketers who collaborate with you to understand your brand, your objectives, and your unique selling points. We help you create more meaningful connections with your audience by delivering:

Eye-catching visuals

Persuasive copy

Engaging video content

Customized marketing strategies