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Data Management Platform (DMP)

Improve your targeting. Reduce ad waste. Increase your campaign performance and ROI.

Manage All Your Campaigns in One Place

With ASTRAD’s DMP, you get first-party and third-party data in one place. Simplify your campaign management with our user-friendly dashboard. You’ll gain:

Streamlined audience targeting

Efficient data collection

Convenient storage

Retarget Your Audience & Get Laser-Focused Ad Campaigns

Retargeting is useful when a potential customer visits your site, but then leaves without buying. Here’s how it works:

Step 1

Your audience sees your website/online shop.

Step 2

Your audience leaves your site without making the purchase.

Step 3

With ASTRAD, your ads are retargeted to other areas on the internet that your audience visits.

Step 4

Your audience sees your ads on other sites, prompting them to go back to your site.

Step 5

This time, your audience becomes a buyer. If your audience needs to see your ad more than 2 times before making a purchase, we retarget your ads again to create a buyer.

Target Your Audience By Their Interests

Reach and engage your ideal audience. Get access to over 100 categories and subcategories of interests as well as the ability to combine them. How? ASTRAD brings you extensive interest groups to target by using leading third-party DMPs, including:

Target Your Audience By Their Demographics

Customize messages and offers according to each segment of your audience. That means, you can reduce unnecessary spending by only showing ads to people who fall into one demographic, such as:




Life stage

And other attributes

Manage All Your Campaigns in One Place

 With ASTRAD’s Data Management Platform, you get first-party and third-party data in one place. 

 Simplify your campaign management with a user-friendly dashboard, and get:

Maximize Audience Reach With Laser-Focused Ad Campaigns

Retargeting allows marketers to create highly targeted ad campaigns reaching their desired audience around the Web. 

 For associations, this offers a way to extend your audience by selling ad campaigns to marketers – allowing them to reach your site visitors after they leave your website.

Reach Your Ideal Customers With Interest-Based Audience Targeting

 ASTRAD uses leading third-party Data Management Platforms, such as Adsquare and Nielsen, to access a wide range of interest groups. 


With access to over 100 categories and subcategories and the ability to combine them, you can maximize your ad reach and engage more with your ideal customers.

Reach Your Precise Audience With Demographic Targeting

 Gain the ability to reach your specific target audiences more accurately based on:

Segmentation using demographics means you can customize messages and offers according to each segment – which allows you to reduce unnecessary spending by only showing ads to people who fall into one of the targeted groups.