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Reporting Tools

Get real-time data analysis and insights, so you can make informed decisions for your campaigns.

All the Data You Need – All in One Place

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All the Data You Need – All in One Place

Get actionable insights from all of your campaigns and lines of business, and analyze data in graphical and tabular formats.

User-Friendly Dashboard

Control your campaign’s performance and react quickly to any changes with ASTRAD’s easy-to-use interface. You can create custom reports in seconds by dragging and dropping dimensions and measures. All of your data can be exported for deeper offline analysis.

Build tailored reports

Thanks to our uniquely powered reporting platform, you are able to build reports combining more than 200 variables to provide you with the most precise and valuable data.

Reporting Variables

Access reports and optimize your campaigns using the following features:


Understand consumer click behavior through visual representations.

Expand Counts

Track the number of expansions in expandable formats.

Video Pause Points

Identify the exact moments consumers pause video ads.

Swipe Counts

Measure user engagement with cube formats.

2 Main Campaign Processes

Pre-Campaign Work:

Post-Campaign Analysis:

Analytics to Improve Your Ad Campaigns

Creative Analysis

Determine how well each option performed and their contribution to the campaign KPIs. This includes:

Channel Analysis

Evaluate how each channel performed against your campaign’s objectives and the budgets you defined during the planning stage. This includes:

Profile Analysis

Conduct profile analysis by target groups. This includes:

people use their smartphone

Get the Audience Insights You Need to Grow Your Brand

Here are a few of the questions ASTRAD helps you answer:

Who did my ads reach? Did they reach the right people?

What reach and scale did my ads achieve?

How did my view rates, engagement, and customer funnels look?