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Audience Study

Make the most of your advertising campaigns. Our platform has the features to help you study your audience and make informed campaign decisions.

2 Main Campaign Processes

Pre-Campaign Work:

Post-Campaign Analysis:

Analytics to Improve Your Ad Campaigns

Creative Analysis

Determine how well each option performed and their contribution to the campaign KPIs. This includes:

Channel Analysis

Evaluate how each channel performed against your campaign’s objectives and the budgets you defined during the planning stage. This includes:

Profile Analysis

Conduct profile analysis by target groups. This includes:

people use their smartphone

Get the Audience Insights You Need to Grow Your Brand

Here are a few of the questions ASTRAD helps you answer:

Who did my ads reach? Did they reach the right people?

What reach and scale did my ads achieve?

How did my view rates, engagement, and customer funnels look?